
4705 Point Loma Avenue

August 29, 2024 at 9am.
This is your last chance to be heard.

A public hearing for 4705 Point Loma Avenue will be held by the City of San Diego Planning Commission to consider an appeal on an application for a Coastal Development Permit to demolish an existing commercial structure and build a new, 20-unit, three-story multi-dwelling unit complex.

Find out how to make an in-person, written, or zoom comment by reading the public notice at

OB Planning Board March 5th meeting

The Ocean Beach Planning Board’s Tuesday, March 5th meeting will be presenting two important items. To participate in the discussion please attend from 6-8pm at the OB Recreation Center 4726 Santa Monica Ave, Ocean Beach CA 92107.

Action Item #1 – Short Term Rental Ordinance Fix: The board will hear a presentation about the possible fixes to the STR ordinance.

Action Item #2 – Target’s Application for On Site Liquor License: The board will vote on whether to support or oppose Target’s application for an onsite Liquor License.

Plus, it’s OBPB election time. Don’t forget to cast a ballot while you’re there.

P.S. We’re going to try to FB Live the meeting but there is no guarantee it will work and we will not be monitoring the FB feed during the meeting so the best place to be is in person at the Rec. We’re working on making a live feed a regular occurrence.

Online registration is now open to vote for the 2024 OBPB Board

Please register to get your ballot via email

Online voter registration will close Tuesday, March 5, 2024 at 8pm. Once registered and verified, you will receive an email with a link to the online ballot. Online voting will close on Tuesday, March 5, 2024 at midnight.

If you wish to vote in person or by drop box, please download the reg form and ballot at

All meetings moved to 1st Tuesday

In response to our community asking for a meeting time that does not coincide with the Farmers Market, the OBPB will be holding meetings on the 1st TUESDAY of every month.

The February meeting is Tuesday, February 6th at 6:00 pm at the OB Recreation Center.

This month OBPB will hear a presentation about the Affordable Housing Fund as well as discuss the March elections.


All members of the community who are 18 or older, and those who reside, own property or own/operate a business within the OB Community Plan Area are eligible to vote in the election.


  • Online: (until March 1 at midnight)
  • In Person/Drop Off: March 1, 2023 between 8-10am or 4-8pm at the OB Recreation Center located at 4726 Santa Monica Ave.
  • Mail: OBPB, 4876 Santa Monica Ave. #133, San Diego, CA 92107 (must be in the mail by 5pm on March 1st)
  • Drop Box: OBBC, 4967 Newport Ave. Unit 12 (must be in the drop box by 5pm on March 1st)

More info and a paper ballot/registration at

OB Planning Board meeting – June 1 at 6pm

Important Update: For this meeting, the OB Planning Board will be conducting the meeting at NEWBREAK Church – 2069 Ebers Street, Ocean Beach, CA 92107. We will also be live streaming on Facebook.

Information Item #1: Ocean Beach Pier Update
James Nagelvoort, the Director of Engineering and Capital projects department at the City, will give a presentation about the future of the pier and how the community can stay engaged during the development process.

Action Item #1: 4953 Coronado Ave PTS #697315
The board will review the application for a Coastal Development Permit to demolish an existing detached garage at an existing single-family residence and construct a new 1,200 S.F. 2-story ADU with attached garage, second floor deck and roof deck, at 4953 Coronado Avenue. The motion from the PRC was: Recommend approval of project contingent on meeting the FAR requirement in Code Section 131.0446(e). and providing more open railing on 2nd floor balcony wall. Passed: 4-0-0. The board reviewed this project last month and decided to push it until June so the applicant could be present.

Action Item #2: 4705 Point Loma Ave PTS #681097
The Board will review the application for Coastal Development Permit for a demolition of an existing retail structure and construction of 2 MDU buildings with 4 units each at 4705 Point Loma Ave. This project is an affordable housing density bonus project of 8 units total. The motion from the PRC was: Recommend denial based on not complying with Community Plan in regards to building spacing [Section 4.6] and lack of ground level patios, courtyards and interaction with public right-of-way [Section 4.2]. Passed 4-0-0.


LAST CHANCE TO VOTE for your 2022 OB Planning Board candidates.

  • VOTE ONLINE: Online voting will close 9 pm, March 2, 2022.
  • DROP OFF: Print ( and hand deliver your voter registration form and ballot to the Ocean Beach Business Center, 4876 Santa Monica Ave. Must be in our mail box by 6 pm, March 2, 2022 to be counted.
  • MAIL: Print ( and mail your voter registration form and ballot to Ocean Beach Planning Board, 4876 Santa Monica Ave. #133, San Diego, CA 92107. Must be in our mail box by 6 pm, March 2, 2022 to be counted.

Results will be announced Thursday, March 3, 2022 via OBPB email and social media.

More info at

January OBPB meeting

Next OBPB meeting is Wednesday, January 5 at 6pm.

On the agenda:

  • View a presentation from the Monarch Group, one of the five developers bidding for the Sports Arena site.
  • Review and make recommendations to the City’s Draft Housing Action Package which includes revisions to City Code regulating ADUs to conform with SB9.

Registration link for the virtual meeting is at the top of the agenda located at…/OBPB_agenda-Jan-2022.pdf