May 5, 2022: Letter from SDIA to Jay Goldstone, Chief Operating Officer City of San Diego in regard to the removal of 5 palm trees on Newport Ave. (public utilities code referenced in letter)
April 15, 2020: Below are the links that were shared during our virtual meeting. Thank you Miller for supplying them:
- COVID-19 information
- Pandemic Unemployment Assistance Information
- Jobs
- California State Treasurer resources for small businesses
January 2025 – OB Planning Board comments and questions regarding the Coastal Resilience Draft Master Plan. City Webpage. Draft Plan. City solicited Stakeholder Feedback 2024
April 5, 2022: Ocean Beach Planning Board response to Build Better San Diego
February 5, 2021
- The Ocean Beach Planning Board’s Proposed Amendments to the Short Term Vacation Rental Ordinance, to be Docketed on February 23rd
- Raised Crosswalks In Addition to Lighted Crosswalks Along Sunset Cliffs
- Evaluation for Four-Way Stop Sign Along Froude St.
September 11, 2020: Immediate Action is Required to Regulate Street Vending
February 11, 2020: OB PATHWAYS: Ocean Beach Wayfinding Signage Request
December 6, 2019: Ocean Beach Planning Board’s Fiscal Year 2021 Budget Requests
Read the 2021 Budget Priorities letter from Councilmember Jennifer Campbell’s office
September 17, 2019: Ocean Beach Planning Board Support of the Street Vending Ordinance
June 18, 2019: Ocean Beach Planning Board’s Opposition to SB330, SB50 (now SB592)
June 10, 2019: Proposed Dockless Mobility Device Corrals in Ocean Beach
View final corral map supplied by the City July 17, 2019
May 9, 2019: Longer Parking Lot Closures at Ocean Beach Dog Beach
May 7, 2019: Safety Improvements at Nimitz and I-8
March 17, 2019: Ocean Beach Planning Board Recommendations for Overnight Car Habitation Ordinance
April 8, 2019: Safe Routes to Schools and the Ocean Beach Elementary Pedestrian Corridor
March 12, 2019: Ocean Beach Planning Board’s Fiscal Year 2020 Budget Requests
March 14, 2019: Recommendations to Mayor’s Dockless Scooter and Bike Ordinance
February 12, 2019: Dirty Bird’s Liquor License
February 6, 2019: Transit Priority Area (TPA) Multifamily Parking Proposal
August 1, 2018: Niagra Avenue Safety Improvements
August 1, 2018: Brighton Avenue Safety Improvements
January 4, 2018: Letter to City Supporting Incentive-Based Zoning Proposal
June 15, 2017: Letter to City Staff Recommending Design Features of New Lifeguard Station
June 7, 2017: Capital Improvement Project Priority List
April 11, 2017: Letter to Mayor and City Council Supporting Community Choice Energy
January 22, 2017: Letter to Councilmember Zapf Opposing Marijuana Regulations Proposed by Planning Department
July 7, 2016: Letter to Mayor Faulconer on Violation of Coastal Height Limit at 3144 Emerson St
July 7, 2016: Letter to Councilmember Zapf on Violation of Coastal Height Limit at 3144 Emerson St
July 7, 2016: Letter to Councilmember Zapf on Excessive Number of Alcohol Licenses Issued in OB
November 4, 2015: Letter to Councilmember Zapf on Regulation of Vacation Rentals
September 2, 2015: Letter to OB Community Development Corporation in Support of Naming Portion of Ocean Beach Park for Ruth Varney Held
June 3, 2015: Letter to Mayor Faulconer in Support of Draft Climate Action Plan and 100% Renewable Energy
April 1, 2015: Letter to Councilmember Zapf on City Council Approval of the One Paseo Project in Carmel Valley
December 3, 2014: Letter in Support of the Installation of Air Conditioning at the Ocean Beach Branch Library
May 28, 2014: Joint Community Group Letter to City of San Diego/DecoBike on Feedback for Bike Share Locations
May 12, 2014: Letter in Support of OBCDC Proposed Improvements in Saratoga Beach Park
December 18, 2013: Letter to City of San Diego Recommending Revisions to the Draft Ocean Beach Community Plan
October 21, 2015
Policy for Deviations to Floor Area Ratio (FAR) Under Sustainability Incentive Programs
April 1, 2015
Resolution Expressing Concern on the Approval of the One Paseo Project in Carmel Valley