Important Update: For this meeting, the OB Planning Board will be conducting the meeting at NEWBREAK Church – 2069 Ebers Street, Ocean Beach, CA 92107. We will also be live streaming on Facebook.
Information Item #1: Ocean Beach Pier Update
James Nagelvoort, the Director of Engineering and Capital projects department at the City, will give a presentation about the future of the pier and how the community can stay engaged during the development process.
Action Item #1: 4953 Coronado Ave PTS #697315
The board will review the application for a Coastal Development Permit to demolish an existing detached garage at an existing single-family residence and construct a new 1,200 S.F. 2-story ADU with attached garage, second floor deck and roof deck, at 4953 Coronado Avenue. The motion from the PRC was: Recommend approval of project contingent on meeting the FAR requirement in Code Section 131.0446(e). and providing more open railing on 2nd floor balcony wall. Passed: 4-0-0. The board reviewed this project last month and decided to push it until June so the applicant could be present.
Action Item #2: 4705 Point Loma Ave PTS #681097
The Board will review the application for Coastal Development Permit for a demolition of an existing retail structure and construction of 2 MDU buildings with 4 units each at 4705 Point Loma Ave. This project is an affordable housing density bonus project of 8 units total. The motion from the PRC was: Recommend denial based on not complying with Community Plan in regards to building spacing [Section 4.6] and lack of ground level patios, courtyards and interaction with public right-of-way [Section 4.2]. Passed 4-0-0.