At its April meeting, the Ocean Beach Planning Board certified its election results, appointed new members, and elected officers for the 2014-2015 term.
The March 2014 election results were certified as follows:
- District 2: Drew Wilson
- District 3: Peter Ruscitti
- District 6: John Ambert
With vacancies in several districts, the Board also appointed two members:
- District 4: Seth Connolly
- District 5: Jane Gawronski
Finally, the Board elected its officers for the 2014-2015 term:
- Chair: Peter Ruscitti
- Vice Chair: John Ambert
- Secretary: Scott Therkalsen
- Treasurer: Drew Wilson
For more details on specific seats and terms, see the 2014-2015 Term Roster.
Vacancies still remain in District 1 and District 7. If you are interested in seeking appointment, please see Serving on the Board.