Category Archives: Community Plan Update

OB Community Plan Update & EIR Released for Public Review; Community Meeting Scheduled for Nov 13

OBCP CoverThe Draft Community Plan Update and its associated Environmental Impact Report were released for public review by City staff at the October meeting of the OB Planning Board. The official 45-day public review period begins on Friday, October 4, 2013.

Download the full documents at the Community Plan page.

The OB Planning Board will host a special community meeting to discuss the draft plan and receive public comments on Wednesday, November 13, 2013, at 6 p.m. at the Point Loma Masonic Lodge (1711 Sunset Cliffs Blvd; map/directions). City staff will be present to answer questions and receive public comments. All members of the community are welcome to attend.

OB Planning Board AMENDED Agenda for July 3, 2013

The original published agenda for the July 3, 2013, meeting of the Ocean Beach Planning Board has been amended to reflect additional action to be taken by the Board. Click here to view the amended agenda.

The meeting is still scheduled for July 3, 2013, at 6 p.m., and will include a public forum on the Draft Community Plan Update.


Ocean Beach Recreation Center
4726 Santa Monica Ave
Ocean Beach CA 92107

All are welcome.


Draft Community Plan Update: First Look to Planning Commission

While not scheduled for official public release until July 12, the Ocean Beach Community Plan Draft Update has become available to the public as part of the San Diego Planning Commission agenda for its June 20 meeting.

Download the draft plan below:

The Planning Commission will be presented with the draft plan on June 20, but is not scheduled to take action on it. For more information on the June 20 meeting, visit the Planning Commission website.

An updated version of the Draft Community Plan Update is expected to be released for official public review on July 12, 2013. For more information including email updates, please see our Community Plan page.